Jordaneus | Teen Ink


October 25, 2013
By Johnnypearseed BRONZE, Dugway, Utah
Johnnypearseed BRONZE, Dugway, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the Himalayas where only the strong survived, everyone believe in one god. No one really know this god. Nobody has any proof of him; they have different stories about him. It has been believed that this certain god was the god of everything god of sky lands, god of masculinity, the god of nature, the god of gods… he could do anything.

Everyone that lived in the Himalayas was black for some reason. They believed that this god that they talk about all the time was their creator. They all thought he mated with an African and just stole his new born child and brought him to the Himalayan mountains.

It was then believed that a group of women got lost and found this child. They raised him and he eventually ditched them when he grew old and found out that the women were not his real parents.

That’s what all the Himalayans believed until one day the god of all gods decided he would stop all the confusion and show himself. As he was doing so all of Himalaya’s population gathered around him, while he told everyone who he actually was.

“My name is Jordaneus, I know none of ya’ll knew my actual name until now,” Jordaneus said. Everyone was in shock, especially the ones who believed that he was black. He was white as day, nobody had seen a white person in the village until then.

All the Himalayans were disappointed. They all wanted to stone him. They asked Jordaneus to prove himself, and so he did. He started meditating, started floating and singing all at the same time. But the Himalayans didn’t find that proof. They wanted more and so Jordaneus gave them more. Jordaneus punched the ground. That caused the villages to go “WOW!” not just simply because he was tough and did not get hurt but because from their point view they saw a whole bunch of avalanches in the mountains as they felt the ground move. The god did not stop there. He kept going. He summoned up all of the dead from the town’s cemetery and told them to do work. By this point the villagers were satisfied and just told Jordaneus to bring the dead back to their coffins.

Jordaneus became furious. He was insulted that the Himalayans had doubted him and asked for numerous signs. He reached an arm that seemed to span eternity up into the heavens and pulled down an orange glowing orb; he looked once more at the Himalayans and slammed the orange orb into the cemetery. No living person had ever heard the type of sound that came from that slam. It sounded like a million earthquakes echoing off of each-other. The cemetery itself gave way under the force of the orb and began to cave in. It flowed down and down into darkness leaving an endless pit. Jordaneus surveyed the terror on the faces of the Himalayans and said, “If you will not be ruled by me, you will be ruled by the dead.”

After he said those words, the Himalayans noticed that more dead were beginning to emerge from the pit. Jordaneus said, “You’ve just been owned,” and disappeared into the sky.

There was an endless amount of dead bodies coming out of the pit, an army of dead bodies that looked horrifying. The dead startled all the Himalayans. The citizens started running away from the dead. No one knew what the dead wanted, nor knew what they were capable of. The dead were not to be underestimated. They could not run but they could walk pretty fast. They were like zombies, just a lot smarter and physically capable of doing things.

All the Himalayans left the mountains and exiled themselves from their own city. The dead now infested the city, or so they thought. None of the Himalayans was courageous enough to come back to the city and check if the dead were still there. All the Himalayans just restarted their lives in different cities scattered around the world.

What they did not know is that, days after everyone evacuated. To the Himalayas came a huge blizzard. Although the dead were not affected by the temperature and snow, their outcome from the endless pit was clogged. The blizzard sealed off the pit with snow. By this point the Himalayas was already infested by the dead and one could not really do anything about it. No, you can’t beat them by killing them all because they are already dead and all that happens is that they break into pieces and the pieces of there body would still be moving.

One blizzard came after another. There was more than six-feet of snow in some places. The dead were all buried with snow at this point. Half of the city was invisible until Jordaneus came back to see how the city was doing. He didn’t expect what he saw. There were not any humans visible anywhere so all he could see was the heads of the dead that emerged from the pit he opened up.

Jordaneus had an ineffable look on his face. He didn’t know what to do. He ended up punching the ground once more, which caused an avalanche washing the dead everywhere. The dead were covered with snow. They did not have the ability to shake off the snow. Jordaneus was furious; he left the himlayas and just forgot about it including his dead minions.

The day after Jordaneus left, it rained really hard, which turned most of the snow into ice. Even the snow that was stuck on the dead. The snow froze to the dead. They didn’t look like zombies anymore. They looked more like white, unexplainable creatures, twice the size of a regular bear with a human like physique. Most people thought they looked like snowmen.

One day a famous red neck hunter, who was famous for great findings of other creatures that have not been proven to be living, came across the feet of the Himalayan mountatains. The man’s name is Beau, the whole world knew the man for his work. Well anyway, he was on a hunt for just a regular bear, nothing special. When he saw a horde of Jordaneus’ minions. He just thought they were oversized polar bears at first , but he knew that it was impossible for polar bears to be living in the mountains away from water and ice, let alone in the deserted Himalayas.

Beau decided to take a closer look so he shot one, and did investigation on it. He couldn’t explain what it was because the ice would not break while he was hammering it. This one was a shocker for him, it was something he has not heard of before. He decided to leave them alone but make them known to everyone else. He took pictures of the creatures, and documented it. As he left with no answer and disappointment, Beau promised himself that he would come back and give the world knowledge about these unknown creatures.

They scattered around Asia. There were some sightings of them in Europe as well. They didn’t show themselves to public too often. Most people didn’t know what to call them, so they just called them the “Abominable Snowman” After all, they did look like snowmen, and they were also known as the “Yeti” in some places, mostly concentrated in Mongolia.

The author's comments:
this is a creation myth that i came up with

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