Tyron | Teen Ink


May 31, 2013
By Go_Sergiee BRONZE, Huntington Park, California
Go_Sergiee BRONZE, Huntington Park, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You Only Live Once

I woke up late for work and saw the date: November 6, 2084. It was my birthday so I planned to hang out with Steven and Ashley after work. I arrived at work 20 minutes late, since my job was downtown, but I made it to the product tasting. I saw Steven who saved me a seat. He said, “Happy Birthday! Are you ready to party hard tonight?” I responded, “I’ve been waiting for this night for a long time!” I continued to review the energy product section. I always enjoyed a sports drink.

I told Steven to come with me to the back; they always have the best items hidden. There was a unique looking purple bottle that smelled like burned tire for some reason. I told Steven to try some, but he said, “I will if you do.” I drank half of the bottle in one gulp and it tasted so good. Steven was also shocked at its taste. He compared the taste to soda and candy. We rushed out before some scientist entered the room. As we approached the exit, my boss caught us and shouted, “You’re fired!” Steven and I didn’t even bother arguing over it, we just took off.

I got home and agreed to meet Steven later. My stomach was feeling weird because of the drink I found. I went to lie down on my bed to feel better. I got hungry so I turned on the stove and the fire came straight at me. The flames pushed me to the ground, but I realized it didn’t hurt or burn. I stood up with the fire on my hands. I started to play with it, but ended up destroying my apartment. I called Steven to tell him my theory about the drink. He told me he had a similar effect, but with water. We decided to meet up to discuss what was happening.

Steven and I drove off to the desert to practice our new abilities. I explained to Steven it was like another sense. I tried to control the fire as safe as possible. I got the hang of it pretty fast. Steven was having trouble, but soon got it. We were also able to fly. When we took off on the air, we saw something approaching the atmosphere. We got closer and saw these disgusting monsters. Their language was difficult to understand, they said, “fgfdfghgfrghmhgfghmnhgfn.” I knew it was Steven and mine’s responsibility to take care of Earth because we had the power. I told Steven we needed to defend Earth and use our skills of Tae Kwon Do and our super powers.
We threw a huge fire ball at their aircrafts. I told Steven to keep the fight in the air so no civilian would know of us and would not get hurt. The monsters launched rockets at us which I burned them out while Steven put them out. Then I got to the window and covered it with fire so they would not see. We took out their power and captured their captain. I told him not to harm us anymore and I flew him to the atmosphere. I warned him that we would kill their entire race if they continued their attacks. He immediately had a flying device and took of throwing the peace sign. Steven and I took the aircrafts to Area 51 and left as fast as we could.

I told Steven this was the best birthday ever! We went on to the party later that day where we met up with Ashley. When she asked, “How was your day?” we said, “Not much.”

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