Story of Kai | Teen Ink

Story of Kai

May 29, 2013
By Douglas Page BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
Douglas Page BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Long ago a young warrior named Kai was born in a small village in a land shrouded in white. When he was born the village shaman told his mother he would give his life and save his people from the wrath of Letuka, the ice bear. One day when Kai was a young boy he and his father went out on the ice to hunt for fish. Kai and his dad were very close and inseparable. They loved to go hunting, fishing or hiking together and would talk for hours. While they looked for tracks Kai and his father were separated for mere moments when suddenly Kai heard a piercing scream and ferocious roars coming from the distant ice. Kai ran panting white mist into the polar air calling his dad with a frenzied panic. After he picked up his father’s tracks he found a trail of blood soaked snow leading to his father. The frantic Kai dove towards the body desperately trying to revive him. Once Kai calmed down he looked into the distance and saw a white bear with its face drenched in blood and a deep cut over the beast’s eye. When their eyes met they were both startled making the bear run off into the wilderness. As the sun went down Kai’s father woke up. In a weak, frail voice Kai’s father told him that he loved him, he would always be there for him and to always be brave. Shutting his eyes he drifted off in peace when out of no where the sky was painted with glowing greens and brilliant red lights. As suddenly as they appeared they vanished into the stars. For Kai the seemed to last forever as waves of shock and horror plagued him through the night which created his hatred for the monster that destroyed his family. That day Kai swore to avenge his father and he wouldn’t be at peace until he did.

Years after the attack Kai became a man and a great warrior for his people. He was strong, smart and one of the bravest warriors in his tribe. Ever since the attack he had ignored his ceume, a tradition in his village where the chief pulls out the bones of animals from a bag and the warrior had to destroy that animal and bring it back to the village. Which ever animal was chosen was the warriors guide in life. Foxes showed cunning and curiosity, a wolf represented patience and endurance, and whales symbolized strong family. Kai’s ceume was in 2 days but he continued he continued to defy his duties for the sake of his vengeance. Kai’s actions began to worry his mother but she didn’t know what to do. She went to the shaman hoping for the answers to help son, only to be told that he must make his own choices. On the eve of his ceume Kai dreamt of his father’s death. He saw his father tracking animals on the ice, so he ran out calling to him. When he finally reached his father Kai put his hand on his dad’s shoulder but it went through him. Kai’s eyes filled with tears and sorrow which quickly vanished after he heard a familiar voice behind him. His eyes closed shut, he turned around, rubbed his eyes and looked to see his father’s spirit. Unsure of what he saw he edged closer towards the spirit until he reached out to touch palms- he was real. After embracing his father for what seemed an eternity Kai asked his father how this was possible. He told Kai that he was visiting him in a dream. Kai told him he would never wake up if it meant staying with him forever, but knew he had to leave. Kai’s father told him he came back to give him a message not to go after the bear that killed him. Blinded by the rage and sadness Kai refused to heed his father’s warning. Kai’s father realized that he was determined to make his own path and couldn’t stop the young warrior, but asked one thing of his son. He wanted Kia to do his ceume. If his son was going to die he wanted him to die as one of the people. The reluctant Kai agreed to complete his tribe’s traditions to make his father proud but he made it clear nothing would stop him from his revenge. The 2 men embraced each other never letting go for what seemed like an eternity. He closed his eyes then opened them to find himself back in his tent, fully aware of what happened. That morning Kai and the entire village gathered around the chief to see the creature the young warrior would have to down. The Chief, Deceda, reached into the bag and mere seconds after, he pulled the bone of the most fearsome beast to all the people; the ice bear. Kai’s vengeance was about to come sooner than he planned.

Kai eagerly went back to his tent to get weapons and supplies only to be met with his mother’s distress. She knew that no warrior has ever come back from a hunt this grand and her son’ s target. After making a final plea and hugging her son she left with a brave face only to break down in tears behind the tent. Kai then set off into the icy expanse for his quest. As he began to melt into the horizon he thought the notion that he could finally exact his revenge sent his chest beating with the strength of 100 drums. Before he could take his enemy’s head he would have to find him first. Kai used all of his tracking skills and instincts to find Letuka. The journey took him to the southern mountains, a treacherous and hostile land of the most savage creatures that no hell could contain, filled with shadows that crack bone under their frigid grip. Stories of warriors and travelers falling to the might of this cruel pit have echoed through Kai’s village for eon and those that do escape come back as lost souls with no heart…or mind. Kai was unsure of whether it was a lack of fear or the intoxication of revenge that drove him into the mountains but he never hesitated. With nothing but the howl of the wind and a few stray flakes his thoughts on how to capture and kill the monster began to flow. Armed with only a bow, arrows and a knife taking down the mammoth creature wouldn’t be easy. As the sun began to paint the sky with blazing reds and oranges Kai set up camp. The air came alive with howls that were too close for comfort. They got closer warranting Kai to grab his dagger and stay alert. Off in the distant black a pair of green eyes pierced the emptiness and came closer to the light. The illuminated figure was a creature unknown to the frightened traveler; half man, half wolf, walking up right on its furry, canine legs and a bushy tail. Kai quickly recognized the beast, creatures with no name and only alive in legends of these high barrens. He spoke to asking why he had come so far. After he explained to the humanoid his intentions it offered to show Kai the way to his target. Knowing he couldn’t be delusional this soon he grabbed a torch and headed into the abyss. They walked for hours until the sun began to crawl over the peaks when they came across a cave. The wolf man pointed telling Kai it was as far as he would go making him turn to look as he vanished into the air. Kai saw the cave knowing it could be his last day and accepted his fate.

Lighting another torch he went in. A wave of rotting meat smacked Kai in the face leading him to the devil’s lair. When he took a step he cracked a bone then heard a low grumble. As frozen as the air Kai was still until out of the darkness a great bear lunged into the light almost grazing him. The challenger ran back out leading the monster into the sun. It stood on 2 feet towering over everything. Kai took out a knife and charged sliding under the behemoth and jumping on its back. The distressed animal bucked with all its might while Kai went to stab the creature’s neck…and succeeded. Going in for another strike Letuka threw his back to the ground, allowing Kai a narrow escape. Both collected themselves and went at it again and the bear swiped Kai’s bicep, leaving a giant gash. He fell to the ground, Letuka ran full speed towards him, Kai scrambled and grabbed a rock, smashing it against the animal’s head. Passed out but still alive Kai stood over the bear with his stained knife about to come down when it woke up and their eyes met. They weren’t what Kai expected, instead of black orbs he saw blue eyes that were as calm as the oceans. Tears of frustration poured over Kai’s face as he felt he couldn’t do what needed to be done. Staggering away he fell to his knees knowing his vengeance was in vain. Then the beast rose to his feet, walked towards Kai and pressed his black, wet nose to his forehead. Kai prepared for his final moments, waiting for the chance to reunite with his father as the bear raised his paw full of daggers for a final blow. Kai lowered his head in defeat and didn’t move when his fate was sealed. The bear came down to the ground in a vicious thunder leaving Kai unscathed and confused. He looked up, seeing the bear in a peaceful state, trying to understand what happened. Before he could ask any questions the lights appeared, just as they did when Kai’s father died, only more colorful and they made the world warm. It showed brighter and brighter, obscuring everything out of sight.

Back at the village it had been weeks since Kai left for his quest. His mother had been in the tent since her son had gone. Thinking she lost everything she didn’t know how to move on. At the edge of the village someone saw a shadowy figure off in the distance. As it came closer it was clear what was coming. A bear, Kai’s bear, lumbered through the snow closer to the tents. Everyone ran for cover, the men grabbed spears to defend their homes. As the bear came upon them it rose high in the sky making the warriors shutter, but not falling. When they were about to attack the goliath it dropped to all fours and revealed something extraordinary. They saw Kai riding the animal and controlling it. After the utter shock they rejoiced and ran to embrace the young hero; when he got off the of course. No one could believe what they saw, this demon bear had plagued the people, especially Kai, for ages and now it was tame. The shaman and his mother ran to the commotion. Both Kai and his mother embraced each other in excitement and relief. The shaman was flabbergasted by the pair, Kai’s mission was complete. He went on to teach other’s how to tame and ride bears and the people have lived in peace ever since. His father would’ve been proud and now his people are forever in his debt.

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