Short and Scary | Teen Ink

Short and Scary

May 20, 2013
By Anonymous

The gray house at the top of the hill was silent except for that one squeaky window. Don says to David lets go check out that old house up there. David says OK when because i have to be home at dinner. We'll go after dinner said don. The day they wasted away and dinner came and past and it was dark. Don said grab some food for the trip and a couple of torches. I'll go get our coats and shoes. Then they were off. they reached the gate of the gray house on the top of the hill and David said maybe we should do this in the day when we can see. Don said what are you a chicken and David said no its just late with a shaky voice. They start walking up the drive way and hear a squeak and David jumps almost out of his shoes. Don said its just the squeaky window. I know said David.
They get to the door and it opens by itself and they walk in with fear in their face. The door shut loud behind them. Their soles jumped to the roof and then came back down to earth. They had to catch their breath that they lost when their soles were gone from their body for a moment. It came to them but it was cold. Every breath they took got colder and colder and then worm just like that. Chills ran down Don's spine and he said maybe you're right we should do this when we can see. David said here and turned on a torch. Okay fine hand me a torch and we'll split up said don. I'll go upstairs and you check the main floor. OK? said Don. OK said David with a terrified voice. Don walked up the stairs with every step it creaked and every step don's light got dimmer and dimmer and then it was gone.
David starts walking into the living room to look for any clues of who lives in the house while he was looking around don screamed in fear with silence after. David starts to the stairs and turn the corner and finds don's body hanging from the balcony. David screams with fear in his eyes and heads for the door. he tries to open but it won't budge. he hears a noise behind him and doesn't even have time to yell for help and he was dead. No one knows how they died because no one has found any evidence. The cops still look and look and look with no luck and all we know is that , if you go into that house you never come out...
"You're just saying that to scare me" said little john. "No, its true" said jay. "Whatever". "Okay you go in there and find out yourself". No its OK". want to go get pizza and forget about all this"? Yeah sure.

The author's comments:
I was in class learning about short story and how to write them so thats how i wrote it

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