Manny the elephant | Teen Ink

Manny the elephant

April 16, 2013
By noah ballek BRONZE, Mundelein, Kansas
noah ballek BRONZE, Mundelein, Kansas
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Manny the elephant
What an ugly disgusting looking elephant with just one tusk, overweight, a fat butt, and always sobbing his eyes out . That’s what everyone thought of Manny the elephant. He was just a miserable young elephant that lived with his foster parents . They always told him that he was a beautiful looking elephant but the lies over through his thoughts of what the others said. Manny as curious he was always asked his foster parents how his real parents were like. They always gave unsure and misleading answers that left Manny left pondering in his room what life would be like with his REAL parents. One day Manny was at recess playing with his favorite stuffed animal binky the moose (that was his only friend at the time). “Hey big butt!” shouted an elephant. “what are you doing one tusk?!?!” said another elephant. Soon the whole class started to gather around many shouting names at him. “fatty!”, ”Manny is a baby” , “you have no REAL parents ha!!!.” That was the breaking point for Manny, “look he’s about to cry guys!” , “cry Cry baby, cry baby” they all shouted with triumph at once . Then suddenly Manny bolted from the crowd! In awe the hoard of elephants were amazed. “Where’s he going?” said one of the elephants with a surprised look on her face. No one knew where Manny was going to go; not even Manny himself. After 2 miles, exhaustion had hit him. He found himself a crossroads a. At one of the corners of the crossroads was a watering hole. Manny decided to proceed to the watering hole. Manny sank into the ground. Tears started to burst out with his raging red eyes. You could hear this lonely wimper from a mile away. “why are you crying?” Manny sniffles then looks up. “Who’s there” said Manny? “why it’s us Leo the the lion, George the giraffe, and Florence the flamingo. “Who are you guys?” questioned Manny. We are animals that have been abandoned from our own kind . Unworthy enough if you would say. They all stuck out a helping hand and land to Manny then pushed him up. Suddenly Manny felt a slight difference in his heart. The difference that it feels to have real friends. “what are you doing all the way out here?” “this is dangerous territory you know.” Said Florence with a stutter in his squaky voice. With an impulsive response many said “I’m running away from home okay!” They all backed off to give Manny some space. “well there’s poachers out here” barked Leo. Manny seemed to really not care at all. “Im here to look for my REAL parents.” With a dissatisfied look on all their faces like they knew what was going on. They told manny to follow them. A couple of minutes later they were crouched under the bushes. Manny could see men with guns walking around. Cars were parked there and there was one big tent. Manny was curious as always started to walk until George snapped him back! Don’t go in there! Said leo quietlymumuring. Manny gave a strange facial expression towards them. This was where they killed and held all of their kind of species. Out of nowhere Manny heard a cry that he remember as an infant. He darts towards the tent! With his curious childish mind over powering his patience. Out of nowhere a dart hits him in the neck. Soon Manny was fast asleep.
Manny opens his eyes, it’s the next day. He’s locked up in a cage and see’s other elephantsanimals. He could tell they were afraid, so was he. When Manny moved his trunk to the left he felt something out of place. Just like a missing tooth he thought. It was his one and only tusk! Soon as Manny relized he’ll even be uglyier than before. Tears just start to rage out of mannys eyes. Shut up! “ said the man. “I remember you from a long time ago your parents gave me this scar! when I shot them !” Everything starts flashing back to Manny he remembers the man with a scar on his. “But now I got your other tusk with parents tusks (showing the tusks). Manny started to get mean . With an explosion Manny flew out his cage. Suddenly he was surrounded. “there’s no way out now Tubby!” said the man. Out of nowhere Leo the lion, George the giraffe, and Florence the flamingo came to the rescue for Manny . Choas started to erupt. “Manny! Free the other animals we’ll take got the poachers” said leo with an outrageous roar. Manny ran as quick as he could from cage to cage freeing the animals. Before they breaked for a get away Manny saw his tusks with his parents tusks he snapped snacthed one of each of his parents tusks and headed for the hills! Manny stopped back at the watering hole where he met up with Leo the lion, George the giraffe, and Florence the flamingo. Manny question the trio “why did you come and save me?” “what are friends for” said leo with a smirk. Manny started to feel he had actually something to live for. When he headed home Manny fosters parents were in shock to find him alive. He had told them about his adventure and the new friends he had made and found out the truth about his parents. They all soon gathered around to have one big trunk hug. Later that night Manny super glued his parents tusks on replacing his old tusks in membrance of them so they’ll always be with him no matter what. The next day Manny went to school. Everyone gathered around him in awe to see he had two large tusks. Everybody started to love manny since he had the largest tusks in his grade then. He was a hometown hero also for saving those animals. Manny thought to himself things to actually do change in life sometimes you just have to search for the answer.

The author's comments:
disney movies

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This article has 3 comments.

on May. 6 2013 at 9:24 am
lily_sings GOLD, Felton, Pennsylvania
15 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hope is the thing with feathers, it perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all. -Emily Dickinson

Haha, I gotcha. But really, I think you could be good at it!

on May. 5 2013 at 9:19 pm
noah ballek BRONZE, Mundelein, Kansas
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment
thanks for your input this was just for a school assignment

on May. 4 2013 at 12:10 pm
lily_sings GOLD, Felton, Pennsylvania
15 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hope is the thing with feathers, it perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all. -Emily Dickinson

With a little instruction, I think you have the potential to be a pretty good children's author. You certainly have the imagination for it!