A walk I'll never forget | Teen Ink

A walk I'll never forget

April 8, 2013
By Rachel Dziuba BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
Rachel Dziuba BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up to the sweet smell of fresh bacon and eggs. “mmmmm.....Saturday.” I mumbled to myself as I climbed out of bed. I quickly washed my face, brushed my teeth, put a little make up on and put my hair up in messy bun. I walked to my window and pulled up my shade. The sun was shining and it looked like it was going to be a warm day, so I dressed in running pants and a tank top. I grabbed my black and green soccer sweat shirt as I sauntered out my room. I walked into the kitchen and found my mom cooking breakfast, my Dad reading the news, and my little brother watching TV. I said good morning to each of them and ate my yummy breakfast within seconds. “I’m going to take Butch on a walk.” I said to my mom. Butch was our family dog, he’s a Great Dane and is probably the size of a small child. “Okay, but it’s 10:30 so be home in an hour!” she replied. I decided that was fine and that we’d probably be home before that anyway so I said, “Okay see you later!” as I walked out the door. I grabbed Butch’s thick, black leash from the small garage and attached it to his brown collar. As we headed out of the garage I decided to start our walk by going up the big hill and out of the neighborhood. Since it was only 10:30 and our neighborhood isn’t that busy, there weren’t many people around. We were about halfway up the hill when I noticed something shiny and silver in the sewer. Out of curiosity Butch and I walked over to check it out, but when I looked into the sewer it was empty. Butch started to sniff the sewer when out of no where a slippery, silver, gel like hand reached out of the sewer and grabbed my leg. I had no time to scream for I was immediately dragged into the sewer and let laying on the bottom. I had let go of Butch’s leash when I was grabbed so he remained above the sewer and as I slowly sat up I questioned how on earth I was able to fit through those tiny, metal slots in the top of the sewer. I looked around and around myself in what seemed to be a long, dark, dirty brown hallway. “Where am I? What am I doing here? There’s no way this can be hallway, right?” I thought as I tried to search for that gel like thing that had grabbed me and pulled me into this horrid place. I scanned the ceiling and looked to see if there was anything at the end of this hallway when what looked like a glittery, almost see through, slippery blob of jelly with eyes, a mouth and jelly arms popped around the corner. I screamed and backed up into the side of the wall trying to find a way out. “Wait! Wait! Please don’t be scared! I promise I’m not mean...I’m actually very friendly.” the blob of jelly said in a friendly tone. “Who are you and what are you?” I demanded. “I’m a Bobby, and we are Elovs. We live down in the sewers and are very friendly. We don’t get guests very often though.” Bobby stated. “Listen, I’m not a guest, I was dragged down here and I need to leave!” I said with urgency. Bobby quickly replied, “Oh, that must have been Max, he’s the only mean Elov in the world that has ever existed. Please don’t mind him, he doesn’t like humans. What is your name dear friend?” He asked. “Amanda.” I replied quietly. “Well, then Amanda, we don’t get visitors very often so would you like to stay awhile? Just for some tea and cookies maybe?” Bobby said kindly. “Will you take me home if I stay for tea and cookies?” I asked wondering why I didn’t just demand to leave now and make up some lie on why I couldn’t stay. “Of course! Here take this lantern and follow me. Don’t get lost, okay?” Bobby stated. “Okay” I decided that I probably shouldn’t ask what would happen to me if I happened to get lost. We walked for about half a mile before reaching the small lightly dimmed room where we sat and drank hot tea and ate tasty chocolate chip cookies. We talked a little and afterward Bobby introduced me to some of his friends before we made our way back to the place where I had been dragged through the sewer. I was wishing that it hadn’t been an hour or else my mom would kill me and there was no way she would believe me when I said there were Elovs living in the sewers. When we reached the sewer that was below my street Bobby said, “Please come back sometime soon, Amanda. I promise we’l find a better way for you to be able to come down here without having to fall and hurt your head.” I said thank you for the tea and delicious cookies before Bobby quickly picked me up and somehow slid me through those tiny metal slots. The light of the sun outside blinded me a little before I looked back down into the sewer and waved goodbye to Bobby and some of his friends that I had met that were beginning to gather around near Bobby. “Remember, come back soon and don’t tell anyone about us, okay?” Bobby reminded me. “Okay!” I replied relieved to be back on my street and started to make my short walk home. I spotted Butch and quickly grabbed his leash without stopping. As I walked through my front door I heard my mom ask, “Hi honey, how was your walk?” I was about to tell her all about the Elovs, but remembered what Bobby had said, “Oh it was quite interesting..it was fun... I guess.” Then I walked to my room shut the door and wondered if I’d ever see Bobby again.

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