Perfect Day in The Future | Teen Ink

Perfect Day in The Future

April 8, 2013
By zach_ross BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
zach_ross BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wake up at 7:30am, my wife brings me breakfast in bed. Then I get dressed in my police uniform. Walk to the garage, decide if I want to drive my Porsche or the Benz. Drive my Benz to the station. Pick up Connor on the way. Go target shooting before we hit the local donut shop. Get a call about domestic violence, me and Connor, burnin’ rubber racing to the scene. We arrive at the scene, and start our investigation. Connor gets a hot lead that the domestic violence is coming from the crack house across the street from us. I hold Connors hand as we walk across the street because he’s a little shaken up. He fears that we should call in for backup because we might get ambushed by some Mexican midgets.

We shortly realize that the domestic violence was a false alarm, the crack house was full of Mexican cartels. Me and Connor bust their ass’! The cartels pull out guns and start firing. Bam Bam, Bam ,Bam, Bam! Me and Connor pull out our Glocks and start unloading on the Mexicans cartels. The shoot off wasn’t even close, we killed all of the cartels, seized the drugs, and became community heroes. We get back to the station to write up the paper work, and all of a sudden our chief pulls us in the office. He tells us “Amen boys, you kicked a whole lot of mexican ass, I would like to promote you two to detectives.” Me and Connor looked at each other, pause then screamed and jumped in the air full of excitement.

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