The Trojans | Teen Ink

The Trojans

February 27, 2013
By Tank7799 BRONZE, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota
Tank7799 BRONZE, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

SMACK! “Nick you have to move or else you’re dead in a real fight,” captain says. I pick up my wooden sword and go back after my partner. I smack him in the hand and as he drops his sword I catch it and put both sword to his throat.
Captain says “Nick get over here.”
I run over to captain’s office and close the door behind me.

“We have a mission for you” he says.
“What is it sir”
“You’re going to school”
“Yes sir”
“Go pack your bags we’ll debrief you on the plane”
I walk out then walk down the winding halls to my room. I walk into my room where I pack all my weapons in a backpack and put my clothes in a duffel bag. I then walk out to the runway where V.I.P. plane is waiting. I walk up the steps and get into the plane. I take a seat in front of the flat screen TV. Then we take off. The TV comes on with a flash.
“We have you going to school in New York City,New York,” captain says, “There is supposed to be a Trojan agent there going by the name of Richard Starrzing.”
“We need you to confirm that he is there and report back to base,” he finishes. The TV flicks off.
The Trojans are a Russian spy organization that is lead by Drago Vonkivic, the most ruthless terrorist the world has ever seen. Us spartans have been chasing Vonkivic for longer than I have been born. I’ve wanted to kill him ever since he killed my parents when i was 7.
We landed an hour later at JFK airport in NYC. There was a car waiting right as I got off the plane. It took me to the hilton where I took there biggest suite in the whole hotel. I order room service eat and go to bed.
I wake up at 4 am go to the gym. After I take a shower and get dressed I put all my weapons in the fake hollow books and then put the books back in my backpack. I go down to the car at 7:00 am and go to school.
When I get to my locker at school a bigger kid comes up behind me and says “You must new RETARD they brought from the outer city.”
“Are we going to have a problem fat boy?” I say.
“Oh I think we are,” he says as two other smaller kids come out from behind him. then he throws a punch at me. I counter punch him in the back of the knee, dislocate his jaw with one punch and smash his head into the locker behind me. Then as he tries to get back up I kick him in the face knocking him out. The two smaller kid are already gone. The principal comes out of his office and yells “In my office NOW!” I walk into his office, it smells like cigarettes and coffee.
He says “You’re not getting any special treatment ok even if you are a secret agent.”
“I don’t expect special treatment.”
“Good, now go to class.”
I went to my first and second and second hours but when I got to my third hour my stomach drops. The sign on the door says Starrzing. I run to my locker and grab my brass knuckles. I put them on and walk into the room. Starrzing is sitting at his desk reading something I walk up behind him and raise my fist to punch him.

“I don’t think so” he says as he turns around.
He grabs me by the throut and smashes me up against the wall. He looks like a guy from a cartoon that eats a pound of steroids every day.
I punch him in the right temple. He stumbles backwards into a chair falls over and hits his head on the floor knocking himself out. I go over to his desk and look at what he was working on. He has a bunch of nuclear launch codes on a flash drive. Then I hear a helicopter outside I look over to where Starrzing was laying he’s not there. I run outside and see the helicopter with Starrzing in it. I put the flash drive in my pocket and push a button on my watch and a grappling hook pops out. I shoot it at the helicopter and grapple up.
I been hang there for hours and then we land on a boat in the middle of the ocean I jump off and hide behind a crate. I hear a click then SMACK I get hit in the head and lose consciousness.
I wake up in a room with lights all around me. I’m strapped to a table. The door opens and and somebody walks in.

“You’re finally awake Mr. Johnson,” the person says.

“Who are you,” I say.

“You know who I am,” he says.
Then I remember, it’s Vonkivic.

“You are going to tell us whatever we want to know”

“I’m not telling you anything”

“Oh yes you are”
He takes out a syringe and sticks it in the ivee in my arm.

“I’m killing your immune system,” he says “If you don’t tell us you die ok.”
Then he walks out of the room. I use the mini saw on my watch to cut the straps then sew them back together just enough so I can break the the straps. Then Vonkivic comes back in the room. I kick him in the face and he runs out of the room two guards come into the room I pull the knife from my boot. Then I run up the wall and flip backwards onto one of the guards and slit his throat. Then I get behind the table the other guard empties a whole magazine into the table. When he goes to reload I jump over the table and land on him I take his gun from his holster and put it to his head.
“Where is Vonkivic?” I ask.
“I’m not telling you anything!” the guard says.
I c*** the gun.

“Ok, ok I’ll tell you,” he says “He’s in his bunker at the top of the headquarters building.”
BANG, I shoot him in the head. I run out the door and end up outside. To my left there is a truck to my left. I get behind it. Then I hear “Freeze” behind me. I do a backwards roundhouse kick and hit him in the face. I take his pistol put it to his chest and shoot. I open the door to the truck. The keys are still in it. I start the truck and put it in gear and put the pedal to the floor. I go hurtling towards the head quarters in the truck and jump out at the last minute. BOOM. The truck smashes into the lobby of headquarters. I use my grappling hook on my watch to grapple up to the bunker and break through the glass. Vonkivic is sitting at the bar in his room.

“We have been waiting for you Mr. Jackson,” he says.
He turns around throwing his drink on the ground.

“You’re going to die just like your father and mother”
I stare him down without saying a word. There is a katana on a stand right beside me I grab it and get in a stance ready to fight.
“You really want to fight me,” Vonkivic says.
I nod my head.
We start running at each other screaming.

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