Saved WIthout a Name | Teen Ink

Saved WIthout a Name

March 10, 2013
By vandy11 BRONZE, Matthews, North Carolina
vandy11 BRONZE, Matthews, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"The stonewall was in need of repair." Sitting in her room, those words repeated over and over again in Jessica's mind. "The stonewall was in need of repair." That was all he could say. Those cold, unemotional, and basic words were all the worker could say. She understood he was a stranger, but still he could be somewhat sympathetic. Jessica started replaying the events of last night in her head.

It was a Friday night and Jessica, the 21 year old from North Carolina, was going to go out just like she had every other night of the month. Jessica grew up dreaming of her prince charming, and how she would one day meet someone who could save her from an evil man chasing her. She never thought her fairytale would end up the way it did.

When the officer asked what happened, Jessica told the man almost everything except for one small detail, the fact that the man, who she didn't even know, died for her. It was a late weekend night, and Jessica had seen something outside of the party, in the garage, where all the cars were parked. There was a large man, about 6 feet and 5 inches tall; he had on all black. From far away it seemed his clothes were too small on him. He was beating a man and saying something that sounded like, "It was mine! Mine! You had no right to have it!" Confused, scared, and nervous all at once, Jessica ran out of the parking lot, but dropped her keys on the ground. The large overbearing man turned and saw the scurrying girl that was running in and out through all the cars.

In the dark lot with so many cars parked it was hard to see, and Jessica was not sure what to do. She couldn't find her way out, and the large man was getting closer to her. It was then, that the event, which changed everything, occurred. He looked as though he was 25 years old, wearing a black coat, with blue jeans and he had long blonde hair ; he came out of nowhere, Jessica didn't even notice when he entered the garage. That image would never leave Jessica's mind. The young man realized what was happening, and he quickly jumped in his car and drove towards the large man, but little did they know that the man had a gun.

He began to shoot and when he did, the bullets pierced through the glass windshield, and hit the young man, Jessica's savior, in the chest twice. The car lost control and ran into the garage wall. Crushed up against the wall, the car had made a dent in what seemed to be an impervious substance. So many thoughts began to fill Jessica's mind, but before she had time to make even the slightest sound, someone came outside and called the police. They had apparently seen the large man running away down the street and heard the devastating sound of the crash. Jessica stood there, in shock of what just happened. That man, who she never met, and didn't even know his name, tried to save her, and did save her. After everything happened and after everything Jessica had seen that night, this worker from the tow truck service could say, "The stone wall was in need of repair." This would be the most memorable night of her life, and she wanted other people to know her feelings and thoughts, but they in fact, never would.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for my school 3 minute fiction project. I just started writing with the prompt I was given and everything else flowed.

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