High tops | Teen Ink

High tops

March 8, 2013
By Kckijek BRONZE, Brunswick, Ohio
Kckijek BRONZE, Brunswick, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Im not in danger, I am danger"-Walter White

The High Tops

I was running and my lungs were burning and my legs felt like they were about to give out. I wanted to quit but I couldn’t. I knew my dad would kill me if he found out I had just shoplifted. The shoes I had just stolen were on my feet, they were red and black Nike high tops. When I saw them I knew I had to have them. They were the most beautiful shoes I have ever seen, that is when I saw the price tag. I almost had a heart attack, they cost $225, just for a pair of shoes. I wanted them so badly and I knew my dad wouldn’t buy them for me. He would just say “What’s wrong with the shoes you have?” But I will tell what’s wrong with them it’s that my dad bought them a Kmart for $23. They were generic brand sneakers that were neon yellow and looked like bowling shoes.

I mean it’s not like hadn’t stolen things before then but it was nothing this expensive. Before then it was mostly baseball cards or candy bars. “Stop” I heard from behind “Stop right there.” It was the store manager, he was kind of heavy so I didn’t have much trouble out running him. That’s when I heard the sirens and saw the flashing lights. I have been dreading seeing those blue and red lights. I could see my shadow in the flashing lights and I could the tires running over the pebbles on the asphalt. It was a crackling noise the same one that was coming from my feet.

That’s when I felt a paralyzing shock down my back. I hit the ground hard and I could feel my skin scratching against the cold, hard asphalt and I could feel blood running down my elbows and soaking into my shirt. I then felt a large body fall on top of me and the cold metal of the handcuffs like a boa constrictor, tightening around my wrist. I heard the click of that I had been dreading. The cop through me back of the car and started driving. When we got to the police station I was thrown into a cell and left alone with a very large and scary looking man. The cell was cold and all it had was a bench and a toilet. Then another cop came to me and asked me my name “Allen Thomas” I said with a shaking voice “And what’s your father’s name?” “Brad Thomas” I said. Ok we’ll call him, at that moment my stomach sank. I knew my dad was gonna kill me.

When he got to the station he was fuming. He bailed me out and it cost him $600. He was really angry and that’s when the store called and they said the shoes were damaged and that he would hve to buy them. That made him really mad and he was screaming. He said I was grounded for the rest of my life.

So long story short I got my shoes.

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