Bella and the soul stealer | Teen Ink

Bella and the soul stealer

February 26, 2013
By tiggy1199 BRONZE, Inver Grove Hieghts, Minnesota
tiggy1199 BRONZE, Inver Grove Hieghts, Minnesota
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Bella and the soul stealer

“Bella time to wake up, your father wants to show you something”
I jumped out of bed to go see what was going on. I kept walking till I got into the garage.

“ Surprise!!”

The lights flicked on and there in front of me was a giant machine, it was round and also big but had very few buttons on the inside of it.

“What is it?”

“A time machine”

I was confused on what they meant, I Know that my mom and dad loved to build things a lot of the time it was not making any sense at all.

“Dad and I had worked on it for a while and wanted it to be a surprise for you and we thought that you would like to try the time machine out.”

Dad opened the door for me inside there was already a time put in.

“Dad you know that I am not three any more now I am 13 so I can open things on my own.”

“I know you are but the door does act a little bit stubborn to open. Now remember the green button will take you to the time that was already punched in for you and the red button will take you home to our time.”

“Bye mom and dad.” I said as I closed the door to the time machine pressed the green button and in an instant I was already there, I stepped out of the time machine whom seemed like it was not there any more instead it was invisible on the quiet dead end road. There standing in front of me was a dog he was standing there wagging his tail as if he knew me and was happy I was home. I knelt down to pet him. While looking at his nametag.

“Bitzer then huh? Well then hi Bitzer, nice to meet you!”

Bitzer just barked a very happy bark at me while I scratched behind his ear.
Then he got up and started trotting away. He looked back while having a look in his eye that said ‘follow me.’ slowly I got up and started to follow the wagging dog in front of me. He led me everywhere around town. It seemed he couldn’t find his way. Soon he led me to a house that seemed very old. He begged me to let him in. I held the knob of the door and turned it. Inside I could not see anything till I found the light switch.

“Bitzer where did you go?”

“Here I am, I’m over here Bella.”

“Who are you, and how do you know me?”

The strange voice made it hard to tell who was talking. When it came out of the shadows to show me who it was.

“It was me who talked, I don’t want to startle you Bella. I have been waiting for you to come.”

I could not believe my eyes the strange voice had come from bitzer! I started to move back toward the door when Bitzer spoke again.

“Please don’t go. This city really needs you help and you came from your time to the future. You are needed here…”

“What do you need me for? It seems there is nothing here that you need help with.”

“But there is every night one soul is taken and every morning in the place where that person was sleeping, there is a note that says (if you want this soul back kill me in a battle.) many have told of a legend that shall happen in the future that tells of a girl who will come from the past to the future to save everyone from him.”

“What is this thing that you keep calling (him)? It makes no sense who and what this thing is.”

“No one really knows his name so they all call him by one name (the soul stealer.) He takes the soul so late at night that no one ever notices or even hears him. You should get your rest for tonight, when you start hearing noises out side that’s him. I will wait for you to finish getting your rest.”

When we head finished talking Bitzer lead me to a room where there was a bed. When I had finished getting my rest I went into the main room where Bitzer had started talking to me.

There was Bitzer waiting with what I would need to fight the Soul stealer. When I looked outside it was completely dark.

After I had gotten on what I would need to fight the Soul Stealer. I looked around to see if there was anything else I would need.

“There is something you will need in the opposite room you were sleeping in.”
I walked in the room that Bitzer talked about opened the door and the only thing in there was a chest when I turned on the light. I opened the chest and in there was a long sword I pulled it out and held it high.

“The sword was only meant for the person who would kill the soul stealer. I have held onto it for a very long while.”

“Then why do you still look so young?”

“ That is not very important to know right now, but you should go there and look for to look for him.”

I walked out the door with the sword and shield. I heard something move but could not tell what it was but I started to sneak up on it when there it was the Soul Stealer. He turned around with an evil smile.

“You are finally here I have waited long to kill you.”
He started to run to me with a small blade. He did not give up on killing me.
“You are mine!”
He jumped up on me and pushed me to the ground.
“Bella you are mine I shall kill you now that I have pinned you to the ground”
A flash went by some how I had managed to see it but he did not manage to see it.
“Bella I shall protect you.”

Bitzer ran with my sword held tight in his mouth and stabbed the sword through his back.
The soul stealer had lost and I grabbed my sword out.
“Thank you Bitzer for saving me!”
“Your welcome Bella I was right behind you the whole entire time waiting to help but when I saw you pinned I thought you were going to be goner for sure. Now that you killed him the stolen souls have been returned.”

“We should probably get you back to your time.”

“I sure am going to miss you Bella, you took great effort to defeat the soul stealer.”
When we got to the place when I first came Bitzer started sniffing around till he found it.
“Found the time machine Bella!”

I opened the door to the time machine and hopped in.
“Thank you Bitzer.”
“No thank you and I shall return the favor by giving you the sword.”
“I will miss you Bitzer.”
“Come again sometime Bella and don’t forget about me.”
I pushed the red button and the door closed as I waved goodbye.

“Bella wake up”


“You fell asleep in the time machine.”

“How did it go Bella?”

“Mom, Dad, it went great but I almost got killed in the time I was in and look what I got from Bitzer.”

“Bitzer? Who is he?”

“The dog I meet in the time I was in.”

“This is what I got from him”
“ What is that in the corner.”
“Bitzer, I am guessing you would like too live with me.”
“Mom, Dad this is Bitzer and we would like to tell you the whole entire story of what happened.”

The author's comments:
what inspired me was what if my character went to the future in a time machine

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