Be Free | Teen Ink

Be Free

January 16, 2013
By Anonymous

(Helicopter pans the bank scene)
Narrator: Julie never wore her hair down but today was different. Her long, blonde, natural hair was flowing in the air like waves bouncing in the water. Brad and Julie were running, running fast from what they just did, or should I say, got away with. (Transition to title screen)
(Wide angle shot)
Brad: C’mon you have to keep up, babe!
Julie: I’m trying, Hun! It is hard to run away with high heels and a tight skirt on. (Scans Julie)
Brad: I jus’ don’t wan’ anyone to see us is all.(Close up)
Julie: No one has yet! Look our car is right there let’s get in. (Scans car)
(close-up) Brad grabs Julie by the waist before they get in the car. Her brushed her blonde hair to the side and kissed her (angle on their lips) like it was their last kiss standing on this planet. They get in the car.
(Close-up) Julie: You know how to get there right?
(Pans right)Brad: O’course hun, remember? We drive north on fifth ave and then take a left on 34th and it will bring us right to the Lincoln Tunnel, the rest is straight forward.
(Pans left)Julie: I’m going to miss this city.(Looks out the window)
(Close-up)Brad: I’m not! All this city brought me was trouble; I got laid off and evicted!
Julie: Hunny, I lived with you… did you forget that I lost my teacher job too? This city brought us both trouble. But it did bring me you.
(Brad smirks, rolls his eyes)Brad: This is why we are doing this, for us. Being together is all that matters.
(Close up)Julie: Look there’s a cop! Drive like everything’s normal! Go the speed limit!(Turns her head to look behind her)
(Glances and rearview mirror) Brad: Er’thing’s fine, he turned the other way. We’re gunna make it; the motel is only another five miles. Soon, we will be far away from here.
They arrive at the shabby motel. This place was surrounded by trees, which was not what they were used to. They were happy they made it here without anyone following them. They get out of the car and walk into the motel.(Angle towards the motel of them walking in). Everything was going to plan.
(Close up) Brad: Hello! We are here to check in! My wife, Megan (grabs her by her waist) and I just got back from a hike in the Application Mountains, it was a wonderful trip! We never went up in this area, it’s beautiful isn’t it?
(Stares at Brad)Motel Clerk: It Is beautiful, it’s a wonderful place to be this time of year! Can I see your ID’s and a credit card please? I will be $49 a night, how long were you planning on staying?
(Extreme close up on ID’s)He hands her his ID along with Julies. He pays in cash.
(Pans to the couple) Brad: Just one night! We’re off to New York City tomorrow for something different.(Flashes a smile)
Motel Clerk: Sounds wonderful! Here’s your ID back, John, and here is yours Megan. Your total is $52 with tax.
Brad: Thank you!
She hands him their motel key and points them towards their new room. They open the door and lock it behind them. They are finally alone, but they cannot stay very long.
(Head shot) Julie: I don’t think I look like a “Megan”. A “Megan” has short dark hair, edgy and “cool”.
Brad: Well I’m glad I brought these boxes of dye! (Extreme close up on boxes) We needa change our appearance right away, I’m sure they have our faces on a camera in that bank…(Pans up, full body shot)
(Body shot on Julie) He throws her a box of black hair dye.
Julie: You were really thinking ahead.
(Close-up)Brad: Here, put your hair in this pony tail, I wan’ you to cut it short.
(Angle on the relfection of Jule in the mirror) Julie stands in front of a mirror, looking at herself and pondering what she will look like with short black hair, instead of her beautiful long blonde locks. Brad walks over and stands behind her. She closes her eyes and hears a snip as the 12 inches of blonde fall on the floor like spaghetti, lifeless. She rubs the black dye into her hair. Blonde no more.
(Room shot)Julie: We don’t have much time, go change and put on the floral Hawaiian shirt. Shave your beard!
Brad: You go take a shower and wash out that dye right now; we should get to the airport in 20 minutes. Our private jet a waits.
Julie: Ooh! I like the sound of that “private jet”. We’re rich! I totally forgot that’s the reason we robbed the bank. Too much running. I hate running.
Brad: We’ll stop runnin’ when we get to Roatan. Bein’ on a beach all day for the rest of our lives, can’t wait.
Julie walks into the bathroom, shuts the door, and takes off all her clothes. She grabs the motel shampoo and washes her hair. The floor looked like a bottomless pit, pitch black from her newly dyed hair.
Julie: I don’t look as bad as I thought with black hair! I do not look like a teacher anymore, that’s for sure.
(Angle in on Brad)Brad: You look great! Babe, im so glad we went through with this, we don’t need to live in a big city. I have no family, nothing else to live for. If I haven’t met you, I don’t know what I would have done, running away from society and dipping into darkness was what I needed, what we needed. I love you, and we are doing this for us.
(Body shot) Julie: Rich us! I wonder how heartbroken my mom and dad will be when they see my face on the TV screen. But now, we are now worth over a million dollars… I can’t believe that. In five hours or so, we will be able to start our lives over, with each other. I love you babe.
(Close- up) Brad: I love you too sweetie. Get dressed and dry that hair and we will be on our way, on our way to spend our time on a beach with margaritas!
(Body shot of her walking away)Julie: Okay, hun. This won’t take very long.
Brad was sitting on the old couch when he heard a shriek in the distance. His hand became clammy, trembling and thinking of what that noise was. It was a constant noise, no, a siren.
(Angle in on the couch he is sitting on) Brad: They couldn’t have found me already!
He walks outside, and walks into a trap. The swat team surrounded the motel with guns in the air, all pointing towards Brad. He fell to his knees, crying. He thought what his life would be without his soul mate.
(Pan on swat team) (Close-up on cop) Cop: Where is your partner in crime, the beautiful blonde?
Brad: I don’t know, she ran off in the woods, she got away. I didn’t have anyone to help me rob the bank, so I pointed a gun to her head and made her come with.
Cop: Yeah, never heard that one before. (Dangles the handcuffs)
(Side angle shot)(Looks up at the cop) Brad: Its true, I just wanted to get away from the city with a ton of money to live off the grid. She’s a teacher, the most innocent girl I have ever met, so kind. I knew she would do it, so I made her.
Cop: So you say you’re the only one accountable for this crime?
(Zoom in on the tear running down Brads face) Brad: Yes sir, she had nothing to do with it.
Cop: We will have to take you away; you’re going to be in jail for a long time.
Julie saw the red and blue lights reflecting into her window. She found a note outside the bathroom door. It read:
(Zooms in slowly to be able to see note)

To the love of my life,
Julie baby, I love you so much. I did not want to leave you, but you deserve this money more than I do. I called the cops and reported the robbery, and gave descriptions and our license plate number, so the cops could find me. You have a new identity, they will never find you. A life in jail is fine with me, I’m tough I can handle it, but you, you are too sweet to step foot near a jail. That’s why I want you to run, run to the airport to the private jet and fly to Roatan. Make sure to send me postcards of the beautiful beaches. I want this life for you, and I knew this was the only possible way. I will still be with you in heart, and our memories will last a lifetime. I love you; see you in another life babe.

A tear ran down her face, she knew she had to run .She went out the backdoor and did not stop running. She did not like running, but she knew this is what she had to do.

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