Vietnam: free fire zone book 3 | Teen Ink

Vietnam: free fire zone book 3

January 2, 2013
By Anonymous

He has to deal with many difficult situations but finds security in submitting to his superiors.Rudi is a marine who thrives on the adventure and “belonging” he finds as part of the Marines. He has to deal with many difficult situations but finds security in submitting to his superiors. Through his experiences in Vietnam he grows and conquers many fears.
Vietnam is a well written book giving the reader a view of some of what a Marine faced during the war. The book does not concern itself too much with the policies of the war but more with the story of one Marines’ views and struggles. This is an okay book. There is not much story line here, just a brutal description of what war is like. Rudi was the character I liked the least but he is probably the most human. It's hard to watch what war does to him. I do not know where Lynch is taking the series, but the book was good enough for me to want to read number 4. This is the third in a series about a young marine in Vietnam. The setting of book three is toward the middle and end of the war.

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