(no name) | Teen Ink

(no name)

December 12, 2012
By Daniel Manavong BRONZE, San Diego, California
Daniel Manavong BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Walking through the park, the cold winter air hit his face,the snow weighing down on his hair,fiddling with the key on his necklace and thinking as he made his way to his uncle’s house.The sky was red-orange and the ground white with snow,the sun had just set over the small town of Jameson. He thought to himself “What is uncle Jiovanni hiding? Must be an important secret. Probably just a birthday present”Just as he came out of the park he saw a black shadow as tall as him, whizz past to an alleyway next to a abandoned building.”What was that?” He said. Deciding it wasn’t important he went on trudging through a pile of snow.”Oh man I’m almost gonna be late to my birthday party.”Then he looked down and noticed a puddle of what seemed to be blood,still walking he trips and lands face first into the cold icy cement.He gets up dazed and his left upper brow was cut,but he didn’t notice.He got up and wiped the snow off his jacket.Looking to see what has caused his fall he uncovered the snow and his face turned pale.He wasn’t sure what it was, there was a twisted mangled massacre of flesh and bits of bone in a pool of cold blood.It seemed to be a human body .Then he thought ”did that thing that passed by do this? Worried it would come for him, he rushed to his uncle’s house which was two blocks away,running as fast as he could.Minutes later he finally got to the porch of Jiovanni’s house and opened the door to the house.It was dark and the air was still.” Uncle Jiovanni?”he yelled. Silence. No answer. He looked around to find a sign of life.The only noise was the thumps of his boots on the hardwood floor and the wind whistling outside. No one was in the house he searched everywhere accept in Jiovanni’s private study.No one was allowed in there,not even his cat. (which died last week)
He opened the big heavy mahogany double doors he looked in and saw that everything was a mess and on the floor.Papers everywhere,broken peices of porcelain where Jiovanni’s samurai figurines used to be,and the book shelves were tipped over.But he looked at Jiovanni’s wooden desk.It looked untouched which made him curious.Nothing was on it but a piece of paper.He picked up the paper and found it had a note on it, He read the note:

“Russel if you’re reading this I might be dead.You’re only 15 and probably too young to understand this but there was something that was going to happen next year.I was going to tell you today but something else made me change my plans.I don’t have time to explain,but I put a book in your room under the desk I told you to never to move.Once you see it use your key to open it, retrieve what’s inside then go outside of town to 1876 Sycamore Street. Happy birthday Russel.


Dead,the word rang through his head repeatedly. Russel said to himself “Sycamore street is kinda far.I don’t know how I’ll get there,the sun has almost set.” Russel quickly ran into his demolished room and moved the heavy metal desk to the side pushing his honor roll awards on the floor.There was a out of place loose floorboard. Russel pulled it up and saw a old dusty leather book that looks like it had been there for a million years and it would disintegrate as soon as he touched it. Russel picked it up and felt the cold leather and looked at the cover and back.There was a weird gold marking on the lock. Russel took out his necklace and removed his key. He opened the lock,opened the book and saw another note he couldn’t read it because it wasn’t English; it was a weird language and it had drawings of creatures on the sides of the paper. At that moment Russel heard a crash in the kitchen. He was scared thinking that it was the thing that passed by him on his way here. Russel went to his samurai sword display (that he got from his uncle on his 14th birthday) and took the longest one. Russel went slowly into the kitchen,peeked in and was surprised to see a gaping hole in the wall and something large.Without thinking,Russel rushed in with the sword as soon as he took a step in the kitchen the large figure turned and let out a high pitched screech that made Russel drop his sword to cover his ears. Russel looked up and saw a hideous monster. It was thin and had a thick brown tore up coat that covered only its chest ,messy twisted long hair,sharp yellowish misshapen bloody teeth.It’s arms were long and one hand had three fingers the other looked like It was just pulled out of a active garbage disposal.The creature’s eyes were a blood red that seemed to be gleaming. It was walking on two long thin legs that had thick stumps instead of feet.The smell of it was equally scary. It smelled like it a rotting carcass. The monster was frightening,but it seemed weakened, it also had huge gashes on it’s arms and legs like it was already in a fight . Russel picked up the sword and quickly cut a peice of it’s coat off.It didn’t move or flinch,but only looked at Russel with a empty stare which made Russel even more scared. Russel slashed again but only to see that he missed and the monster had appeared behind him.Then he turned and swung behind him and missed again. The speed of the monster was terrifying. Russel then ran to stab it in the chest ,the sword felt like it passed through air.Russel thought that it dodged the attack but something was wrong. Russel ended up close to the monster .Russel Studied the body up close and saw there was a huge hole in the middle of It’s torso.The insides was black and you couldn’t really see the anything but the other side of the hole.Just as he was studying it the monster grabbed Russel with it’s good hand and picked him up so fast he dropped the sword and book.It looked Russel over.The monster’s face was dark and hard to make out.The only thing you could see was It’s blood red eyes. Russel was terrified. It seemed that the monster was studying Russel. Then after a minute or two the monster slowly opened his mouth.Soon Russel realized he was going to be eaten. His head was slowly approaching its jagged teeth,and it’s hot breath that smelled of blood.Russel closed his eyes and thought it was the end, but Russel felt the monster stop its hand and he looked to see what was going on.There he saw a smooth sleek looking blade inside of the monster’s head.The monster let go of Russel and it reached for the large knife stuck in its head.Not wanting the monster to survive, Russel quickly picked up his samurai sword and made a clean cut of the monster’s only hand.This only succeeded to make it furious.The monster was about to screech again but a gunshot cut it short.As the monster dropped Russel it burst into flames and disappeared, leaving the knife. Russel was stunned by what just happened he turned to the hole in the wall to see a man dressed in a thick black coat and army boots and holding a revolver.”You okay Russel?” the mysterious man went over to retrieve his knife.The man turned and said again “You okay Russel?” “Yeah.” Russel replied.The man’s face was gruff and had scars on his nose and chin. He seemed familiar but Russel couldn’t figure it out, then as Russel’s eyes adjusted to the darkness he saw uncle Jiovanni’s face.

The author's comments:
i did it for school

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