Cop For Life | Teen Ink

Cop For Life

December 5, 2012
By fischman12 BRONZE, Jasper, Indiana
fischman12 BRONZE, Jasper, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Here I am sitting in the back of a dark cold van. Hands tied behind my back, blindfold over my eyes, and rag in my mouth. Counting the minutes I have been in my prison state, I over look my past actions of the day. Woke up, drank some coffee, gun rounds go off while eating my bagel, and now I am in this van. Doesn’t life suck.
The two guys in front are speaking Spanish. Wish I had paid attention back in high school. Over hear a few common words like Cubs and winning a baseball game, but other than that nothing interesting. Maybe this has something to do with the guy I turned in last year. I was sheriff of the county. But about a year ago I had an accident. I fatally shot my own undercover cop when investigating a drug deal according to reports. Really what happened was my comrade was shot from the drug dealers because they knew he was one of us. The judge ruled mistake but I was sentenced to be off the force due to mental instability.
Finally after about an hour, the van comes to a stop. The two guys lead me out of the van and take off my blindfold. The bright light from the sun blinds me for a moment but then I see I am in the some nice house up in the mountains. They lead me inside and I see that who ever owns this house is pretty rich. They have a coat of arms with two sabers, mounted dear head, some big trophy, and a plasma screen television. They led me into the kitchen and right away I see my problem. He is six foot five, black hair, and is eating steak.
“Sit down Mr. Holt. I have been waiting for you.” He replies.
I reluctantly do so after seeing I am surrounded with big guys with ak-47s.
“You are probably wondering who I am or why I called you here today.” He asks.
“Yeah pretty much.”
“I am Lord Hadon. Drug dealer, billionaire of the western Texas, and ex-cop and I need you to join me. I understand that you were kicked out of the police force as well due to an accident. You were ridiculed of your job, blamed, yelled at by everyone in your city. And no one would believe that it wasn’t you.”
“Yeah so your point…”

“I believe you. I want you to release your energy and hatred of the police and help me.”
“I will never help you. You are the people I used to fight against. It goes against my moral code.”
“Maybe you need some convincing.” He says grabbing something from underneath his desk. “This dove represents you.” He says letting it go fly around the room. “Now that you have met me, you can either live like this dove or…” He pulls out a revolver and shots the dove. “Or you can die like the dove.”
“Never” I yell as a spit into his eyes, shoving the chair into the person behind me, knocking him down. He gun lands down in my arms. I was able to untie my self while we were talking and I start killing everyone in the room. Now all of his henchmen are dead, I stand over him.
“You see, I am the good guy. Unlike you, I respect their decision and move on with my life.” I say.
“But you see this ain’t no fairy tale punk.” Hadon says as he pulls out a gun and shots a bullet straight into my chest.
The pain is unbearable. As I fall to my knees, my life flashes before my eyes. My first crush, my day I married my wife, my daughters birth and wedding, all those moments so precious at the time and now they are all going to be destroyed. I say to myself that I can’t go down without a fight.
I reach on top of the table and feel what I am looking for. I take the knife and am able to conjure the little energy I have left and stab Hadon in the chest.
As the knife goes into his chest, I see a bright light and take my final breath.

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