How the Silent Thrive | Teen Ink

How the Silent Thrive

July 29, 2010
By Anonymous

All was quiet in the cool midnight; not even a breeze swept the lonely streets of the city, corrupted with manufactured perfection. But there he stood, atop a simple home, looking out to the giants that had tainted the souls of so many good men. He was covered from head to toe in shadows; black boots, black pants, and a black trench coat that draped over his lean body; all but the bandanna that covered his mouth; it was yellow with a crude smile painted over it. He pushed his hair backwards, so it wouldn’t hinder his perfectly pale green eyes. Looking toward the moon, the wind slowly picking up as its divine rays shown down upon his pale skin; it may have just been the bandana, but there was something about his expression; he was smiling. He once more returned his attention to the enormous buildings built of sin, and raised his hand, revealing a tiny black box. He flipped it open and rested his thumb upon a small crimson button.

“To the gods that listen to my silent soul, forget me now; I am only a shadow.”
With his words that flowed so flawlessly into the wind, he pressed that crimson button. Turning away from the city as the hellish illuminations of deliverance that lit the skies, he walked away from the burning city as a silhouette.

The author's comments:
I was feeling destructive and mad at how corrupt the world is. so I naturally made this to blow off steam. My intention was to give it a kind of comic book feel to it. Any and all suggestions are welcome!


This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 20 2010 at 1:24 am
AEAluvsanimals SILVER, Yorba Linda, California
6 articles 0 photos 64 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All creatures bleed the same blood. He who spills the blood of any of god's creatures, he spills the blood of man." - Private Journals , Landerath
Dragon's Milk.
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."- Dumbledore
Harry Potter 1

I like this character. I like his bandana. The story is a little confusing and I wish you would continue it. Would you mind reading my work? I have one article here and a fantasy story series at  

Please read it. Nobody else does