The Secret | Teen Ink

The Secret

June 5, 2024
By 5riemenschneider BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5riemenschneider BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was cleaning out my locker on the last day of school when suddenly I found Xavier’s secret cheese stash.  It was the last thing I would have thought I would find, but somehow I did.  Buried underneath all my unused textbooks and other obscure items, I noticed a small handle, just big enough to get your hand in, and decided I needed to see what was underneath.  A million things could have been under it, old papers, writing supplies, or even a secret key to the school, but what I found instead shocked me.  Filled with impetus, I yanked the handle, the door came flying open, and a bright gold light emitted from the compartment followed by a buttery smell.  As my eyes adjusted I was able to see the sign that sat in there, “Xavier’s Cheese,” it read.  I shifted my gaze to the rest of the small cubby and saw hundreds of different types of cheese, from cheddar to brie. It was all in there, exalted by its owner and each in its own spot waiting for someone to come and choose another delicious cheese to sample.  So I did what any person would, I started eating the cheese, and it was delicious.  Filled with flavor, each one offered a new experience from the last.  I might become a block of cheese if I keep eating all of it, I thought.  But then I noticed an ominous figure lurking at the end of the hallway.  It started to sprint at me, and as it got closer I realized who it was.  Xavier had found me in his cheese stash, and with that look of malice on his face I knew it was my time to leave.  In less then a second I was out of there, I did not want to find out what would happen if I got caught.

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