The Teenagers and the Mysterious Realm | Teen Ink

The Teenagers and the Mysterious Realm

May 20, 2024
By Anonymous

Yet another boring day here at Wentville, as I get up and get dressed I hear my mother call me down for breakfast, I hurry downstairs and greet my parents, “Good morning Mom and Dad” I said while walking into the dinning room. “Good morning, ready for breakfast,” Mom Asked? “Better eat and get ready for school, it's almost time for you to go, '' Dad replied. “I know, thanks for breakfast” I said as I was walking out the door. “Have a good day at school,” Mom said. “Thanks I will '' I replied. As I walked out the door I see a very quiet and tranquil neighborhood with morning still ways away. It becomes very quiet in the morning everyday when I go to school. As I began walking to school I felt that cool and chilly autumn breeze as I saw the trees leaves have yellow and red-orange colors to them as they fall to the ground. I continued to walk to school and saw the same old, same old, the same school, the same students, and the same cars and parking lot. Nothing ever changes around here, we get the same work, the same classes, the same teachers and the same environment. It's been this way for years now, a stalemate with no sign of any change at school. I started walking to my first hour avoiding all students since it is always the same conversation each day. 

I started biology at 7:20 and waited for the announcements, “Good morning students and staff, it’s another great day here at Timberlind, lunch today is a single piece of chicken nugget again, football practices again today at 4:00, Clubs still don’t exist here so please stop asking for clubs, that’s all for the announcements have another great day students and staff and remember it's a great day to be a welf”. As the announcements finally finish we sit down and the teacher goes over today's instructions, as usual the same thing as any other day, we learn about cells. I quickly finish the same worksheet as any other and sit there for the next few minutes until 8:07 comes around and the bell rings, I quickly go to 2nd hour where my Creative Writing I class is and wait until the 8:13 bell and the teacher, surprise surprise, asked us to write another short story, this is the only class that somewhat changes because we can’t use what we wrote the previous day. I make my new short story and wait for the bell to ring yet again at 9:01. As the bell rings I go to 3rd hour where I go to Baritone Chorus. I get there at 9:06, get my folder, and wait for the bell to ring at 9:54. The bell rang and I went to Business Technology where we did yet another flyer for no reason and that was class. The bell rang and we all go to lunch for an hour. I go and get my single nugget for lunch and find my friend Ryan. We talked about how our day’s been and then he mentioned something very interesting. “Have you heard of this strange cave that appeared out of nowhere” Ryan asked? “No, but how could a cave just appear with no explanation” I asked? “I don’t know but it seems like this town does have something interesting in it after all, do you want to come with me after school or after you tell your parents about hanging out with me” Ryan asked? “Sure why not, it might finally cure my boredom” I said. After we made a plan the bell rang, we said goodbye and went to 6th hour. Home maintenance was boring as ever just doing the same worksheet about saws. Yet again I waited for the bell to ring and when it did I went to Learning Strategies for 7th hour. We started to work on our assignments but since we always have the same assignments I didn’t have anything to do, so I fell asleep to get some energy for the exploration after school and woke up from the sound of the bell and went to 8th hour for Outdoor Pursuits. The teacher asked us as usual to take notes over the types of hikes. After 8th hour finished, the bell rang for dismissal as I started to walk home. Everything is a little busier than this morning but still the same amount. I quickly get home and am greeted by my mom and dad. “Welcome home, how was school” Mom asked? “Same as any other day in Wentville” I replied. “Got any plans since you never get homework” Mom asked? “Yeah I’m gonna hang out with Ryan for a bit.” I said. “Well alright you two have fun and stay out of trouble” Mom said. “Don’t worry we will bye” I said. “Bye, have fun,” Mom replied. I ran back to school to meet up with Ryan. “Hey Ryan, got everything you need, know where this place is” I asked Ryan with excitement? “Yep everything we need to explore a mysterious cave that for some reason appeared.” Ryan said. We set off into the forest where the cave resided as a thick fog covered our tracks and got lost immediately. “Ryan, are you sure this is the place?” I asked nervously? “Yes, I know what I saw,” Ryan reassured. We kept walking hoping to stumble into this cave since the fog kept getting thicker and thicker rendering us unable to see anything. As I wave my hands around trying to find something I felt something smooth which was unusual for a forest full of trees but when I touched it the fog dispersed letting us see our surroundings again but the fog now blocked the perimeter of the area. As I looked up I saw not a cave but a corridor with a door at the end. “Hey Ryan, is this what you meant” I asked? “Well it’s not a cave but perhaps this is what it is and it just changed forms” Ryan said. I walked toward the door carefully the closer I get the heavier the pressure feels like football players holding me down but through perseverance I made it to the door, after a bit of hesitation I opened the door and saw what thought to be impossible, instead of a forest there were surreal sites with the color of a beautiful pink sunset stretching across the area ahead with huge trees looking like they were alive, I couldn’t believe this was here in the most boring town ever. “Ryan are you seeing this” I asked Ryan? But when I looked back there was no door nor any sign of Ryan. “Ryan, RYAN” I yelled trying to find him. “Where is he? What happened to the door, is he still on the other side and the door only allows one person to enter?” I started questioning the severity of my situation. “Even if this place is breathtaking I need to find out how to get out of here” I told myself. On the other side of the door Ryan was frantically trying to find out why the door disappeared. Was I about to lose another friend because I showed him this door? I need to be able to find out how to make it appear again. I was going to go there and see if my friend was also still alive in that area but like last time it disappeared when one person went through the door. “Why does it do this? Is there a way to make it appear again?” I ran back to school to the principal's office and explained what happened while in the woods, “So the phenomenon has appeared again, this is not good” the principal said. “And you said this has happened twice with your friends at the beginning of school and now right before break,” the principal stated. “According to our records, no one has come back after entering that door, those who did make it out stayed silent and traumatized as if they saw something they didn’t want to see.” “Ryan, where did you see the door this time” the principal asked? “It was in that forest no one goes to anymore right behind school, the last time I laid eyes on it, it looked like a cave at first but after I brought my friend there it turned into a corridor with a door at the end of it.” Ryan answered. “So, it wants to draw people in this time, whatever form it takes determines what it wants to do, that space has a mind of its own” the principal said. “Ryan, why did you take another friend to that space you do remember what happened to Max right” the principal asked? “ Yes I remember what happened to Max but I was scared to go in there myself, I asked him to accompany me to that space under the pretense of showing him something cool. I wanted to find my friend that went missing and find out how to put an end to this cycle we've been dealing with” Ryan replied. “Yes, that would be the best after all, everything we’ve been dealing with is because of this strange phenomena, I’ve lost many people during my time because of this, my parents, my family, my friends, they all disappeared when this phenomenon happened, I spent every waking moment trying to find out how to end this, but to no avail” the principal said. “Ryan wait here a bit, I’ll get some people to help with this, perhaps the only way to end this is to attack it at its heart, so we need to enter that space” the principal said. “Alright, I'll wait here then” Ryan replied. As the principal and Ryan made a plan to stop this phenomena, I started to explore the space I was transported to, whether I was hallucinating or dreaming. I knew this wasn’t natural since giant mushroom trees don’t exist and strange living plant-like creatures. “I see how people might lose their mind over this but I need to keep calm and focus on my condition if I’m to make it out of here sane” I told myself. I continued to walk around trying to find any sign of life in this strange place and I finally stumbled upon a city with lights on. I walked into where the city was and looked around to see if there were any life in there but I could not feel any human presence in here the city looked like it was busy but now that I’m here it’s just empty, I wonder if it’s just because I was desperate to find some form of life in this place that my mind made me think there was a busy city or maybe this place is using illusions to bring me in either way I need to be careful. As I walked away from the city it disappeared. So these are illusions trying to draw me in, I need to be careful not to get drawn in by them if I’m going to survive this.

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