Copy of Night of the living food | Teen Ink

Copy of Night of the living food

December 1, 2023
By Letmeinalreadyyyyyyyyyyyyy BRONZE, San Pedro, California
Letmeinalreadyyyyyyyyyyyyy BRONZE, San Pedro, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Apple: Omg, Like What’s going on? 

Swan:Hi! I'm a swan and I'm made of tin.

Apple: Ew. you smell like garlic!

Pb&j: My goodness we can converse like humans!

Lettuce: I’m scared. My leaves are wilting! (crying)

Apple: Always worrying about your leaves? We have bigger problems here! This place is a total dump! And it's hurting my core.

Swan: Let’s go to the beach! 

Apple: The what?

Pb&j:That’s all besides the point. Where are we and why can we talk all of a sudden?

Lettuce : Can we just get out of here I'm cold! My leaves are wilting!

Apple: Yeah, that and this place is sticky and gross and the swan smells bad.

Pepper: Nah, it’s great.

Swan: Yeah, sticky and gross, wait no it’s awesome.

Pb&j: That’s a terrible idea we don’t know what awaits us outside, or if there even is an outside.


Swan: Yeah that's a terrible idea.

Pepper: Oh really, l thought it was great.

Apple: Well of course there’s an outside silly, where do you think that loud noise came from?

Swan: What if we all just push on the door?

PB&j: Absolutely not.

Lettuce: We can't do that!  We have to agree who pushes the door first or we all fall to our deaths! (cry) I don’t wanna die!

Apple: That's a good idea, but who’s gonna go?

Pepper: I think the dull one should go.

Apple: Who are you calling dull?

Pepper: No not you, the tin weirdo. 

Swan: Yeah I should go sacrifice myself… Wait HUH?

Pb&j:  No Don’t! I’ll go. I am the only one that wants to stay I should open the door!

Pepper: No I will.

Pb&j:  Wait, really?

Pepper:No I’m kidding.

Pb&j: *mutters* Piece of carp.

*Pb&j Grunts as he leans to push the door open, but does not try at all.*

Pb&j: Welp guess we can’t open the door. *nervous chuckle*

Swan: Aw man, I really wanted to go to the beach.  :(

Pepper: I wish I didn’t go to the beach.

*The lights go out and a loud thud can be heard as the door swings open.* 


*Sandwich falls to the floor and splats*

Swan: Oh my gosh! 


*Apple shrieks like a little girl*

Lettuce: (laughing) Who's hungry?

Apple: Woah, That's seriously dark.

*The thud from the falling sandwich wakes the dog and he sniffs around to see where its coming from*

Lettuce: AHHH A DOG (crying)

Pepper:  Are we seriously gonna forget the whole eating the sandwich thing?

Apple: How are we gonna get past it? 

Pepper: Yeah, I guess we are.

Swan: Maybe we can fly out instead?

Pepper: Imma jump on it.

Lettuce: Please don’t die (crying)

*The pepper lunges out of the fridge at the unsuspecting hungry fat dog

Pepper: Yeehaww!

Lettuce: He’s going to die! (crying) 

*The dog snaps at the pepper and bites a chunk of his legs*

Pepper: AAHH, why is the dog biting me 

Swan: Well because they’re hungry, and fat. duh.

*The dog spits out the pepper and begins to cry*

Pepper: Oh yeah it is so spicy that the dog cannot resist me

*Dog whimpers and runs away* 

Swan: Are they going to the beach? Hold up. I wanna go too!


Apple: What happened to your legs

Pepper: Eh, I'll be good

Lettuce: Let's carry him before that thing comes back.

Apple: I'm not touching that thing.

Swan: Here lettuce, grab his arm.

Pepper: Owww!

Apple: There's a big hole in the wall, let's go through there. 

Lettuce: Lets climb up the drawers, but hurry before we get EATEN! (sobbing)

Pepper: Guys how do you expect me to climb if I don't have any legs!

Swan: Here grab my sub par italian cuisine!

Pepper: That's a big word for you to be using.


Swan: I wanna go to the beach!

Pepper: Aaaand right back to being dull 

Lettuce: Race you guys up there! 

*Apple and Swan trail after Lettuce with Pepper on their back* 

*Pepper and Swan struggle to carry pepper up the drawers*

Swan: My hand is slipping!


Pepper: Let’s not do that

Apple: I think we should let go. 

Swan and Pepper: What!?

Apple: Yeah we can’t keep carrying him 

Lettuce: Here give him to me 

*Pepper struggles to reach for the hand of lettuce and pushed pepper down

Lettuce: Oops


Lettuce: I Didn’t want it to be this way but I can’t let you guys drag me down. I'm escaping here no matter how many sandwiches I have to smush, that's the way the cookie crumbles. 


Lettuce: Of course I did. How else were we gonna leave if we didn’t get rid of that coward.


Lettuce: What did you call me?

*Lettuce pushes apple off the drawer and swan swings up to the top of the drawer

Lettuce: No please don’t hurt me I didn’t mean it. 

Swan: It’s ok I understand

Lettuce: Good

*Apple tries to force Swan off the edge but swan does not move*

Swan: I don’t know why you’re so cruel but I won’t let you hurt my friends. 

*Swan pushes lettuce off the edge of the drawer* 

Lettuce: Lettuce just make peace *says lettuce falling to her doom*

 *Sheds a tear for her fallen friends*

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