Reckoning | Teen Ink


September 7, 2023
By t_tayyoo BRONZE, Houtson, Texas
t_tayyoo BRONZE, Houtson, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At that moment, Malykai’s life flashed before his eyes. Just moments before, he witnessed his sister Jasmyn was brutally massacred. Everything went black. Until it wasn’t. “Jasmyn!” Malykai cried out. No one called back out to him. He looked around, surveying his surroundings. He wasn’t in the bustling city he once was in. He closed his eyes and took a huge gulp of air. He opened his eyes once again. Wasteland. Nothing but a barren, neglected wasteland. Malykai remembered what happened before he ended up here. His eyes started welling up with tears. Jasmyn… was dead. He thought about the plans to take over the empire and live in prosperity they had made. All of those plans… ruined. Malykai wandered the wasteland, prattling to himself on what to do next. How did he end up in this wasteland? He saw mountains in the distance, all dead and gray. He saw one hill that was luscious and green. “How pretty?” He said aloud. He continued exploring the wasteland, then he saw her. Malykai had seen a somehow alive Jasmyn. She was standing over a dead Empire soldier. Malykai was confused. How was Jasmyn alive? How did the soldier die? These were the thoughts flooding Malykai’s head.

“I killed him.” Jasmyn suddenly proclaimed. 

“YOU WHAT?” Malykai yelled.

“I have these… powers.” Jasmyn stated.

Malykai’s thoughts rummaged around in his head. What powers was she talking about?

“This is what I'm talking about.” She said as she started levitating in the air, with flashing, godlike rods around her body. Every rod was aimed towards Malykai. He stood shocked. Scared. This was not his sister. It couldn't be. Malykai closed his eyes, life flashing before his eyes. He was going to die to this… nefarious version of sister. He didn’t want to die again. He realized, how was he alive in the first place. He opened his eyes. He found out how he was alive. He too had gained these powers. All of the flashing rods were right in front of him, stopped by a barrier he created from thin air.

“I-I created that?” Malykai stammered.

Thoughts began filling his head. Thoughts of… Evil. Thoughts of destruction. Thoughts of control. Malykai wanted to use these powers for evil. 

“No. You can’t.” Jasmyn states. “We must use these powers to destroy the empire

and rebuild the nation! We gotta use them for the greater good!”

Malykai stared at Jasmyn.


Malykai then appears in front of Jasmyn, faster than she could ever have realized. He fabricates a long, dark staff covered in death and pierces his sister.

“GAAHHH!” Jasmyn shrieks in pain.

“It actually worked… Anything I want comes true.” Malykai proudly states. 

“But anything I want also comes true.” Jasmyn says through the pain.

At that same moment, she conjures a skeleton army and pins her brother down. 

“Hey wait! I reconsider my decisions!” Malykai sheepishly says.

“Liar. I see your thoughts.” Jasmyn says as she walks toward his pinned body. 

She stands above her brother. 

“The chimera is no more.” Jasmyn victoriously says.

She begins walking away from the corpse. She regrets what she's done, but it’s for the greater good. Jasmyn walks for hours in the wasteland, realizing there's no end. She finally spots a luscious, green hill. One with trees. An outcast of the barren wasteland. She watches as someone stands up from atop the hill… They then disappear. Jasmyn is confused by the sight but continues on. But she can’t. She looks down to see a dark, death staff in her stomach. “I’M BACK!” Malykai says. Jasmyn runs from the evil being. She runs and runs and runs and runs until she is on the green hill. Then, Malykai appears. “This is it!” He yells. The siblings began their battle. It lasted for 17 days. All on the green hilltop. Then there was a huge clash of weapons. It created a huge shockwave. Only one sibling was left standing. Her hair blew in the wind as she stood atop the green hilltop, victoriously. Malykai realized his loss and death. He closed his eyes, life flashing before his eyes.

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