World is at Z | Teen Ink

World is at Z

September 23, 2022
By EricTorres BRONZE, Houston, Texas
EricTorres BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

World is At virus

The family of 2 seek for survival the mother jacie and her kids. As they are sleeping, they begin to get an amber alert of a deadly virus going on globally between midnight at 12 in an empty apartment complex and changes as the look for supplies in a grocery store, they see people going insane looking for supplies one of the zombies managed to get In but luckily there was a police officer Alex who shot the zombie. Jacie was very protective for her kids as she proceeds to leave an infected zombie tries to take her kid but jacie pulled her kid Michael towards her as she proceeds to leave the store and rushes back home. When the mom was driving the kids were saying “Mom I don’t have a positive feeling about his virus going on” then the kids proceed to warn her mom about an infection in her arm after they rush to the hospital. She rushes to look for medical supplies within the mission they found dead survivors that were infected as they were searching, they found a doctor that was stuck by a corner  they proceed to get her up and planned to take her home to rescue her and giver her food. After they arrive and got comfortable jacie asked if she can fix her sons wound and as they’re talking Michael shouted that his leg hurts leaving a loud echo that can be heard around the complex. The doctor decides to find a solution and found out that she had bandages proceeds to pick it up and successfully heals Michael jacie proceeds to become excited and offered the doctor another day to stay for shelter until the virus becomes less deadly. Day after day the doctor studies to find a solution and successfully found a tested working injection they rush to the central lab and announce the positive news. They then became presenting to the new that they found a fix for the outbreak and people around the world globally were excited and jacies kid said “How did we make it” Knowing how big of an accomplishment and milestone they left impacted.

The author's comments:

This a Mother trying to thrive over a zombie apocalypses with her kids. 


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