How Should Today’s Youth Combat Negative Moral Issues | Teen Ink

How Should Today’s Youth Combat Negative Moral Issues

October 12, 2015
By Devonna BRONZE, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Devonna BRONZE, Virginia Beach, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The amoral culture of America today present many challenges to teens’ convictions. The temptation to deviate from what is right appears to be constantly lurking. Youth today face the  difficult undertaking of resisting behaviors and activities that conflict with their values; however, having a strong support group and actively making a positive contribution to their school or community will help today’s youth maneuver the often difficult moral issues that they must face.

Often, when you ask a young child what they want to be when they grow up, they do not consider whether or not their goal is attainable,   they only consider their aspirations and happiness. However, when people grow up, they usually do not initially think about what would fulfill them; they become filled with worry and self-doubt. In  the worst case scenarios, this leads to a defeatist mindset, causing the individual to become self-destructive and hinder personal growth. However, a strong support group can counter this mindset, by providing  the positive encouragement necessary to be confident in one’s talents and abilities, allowing the individual to make beneficial contributions to their school and community. Teens who have family and friends who support their endeavors has an immense influence on their growth; it helps teens make intelligent decisions; in lieu of tempting alternatives. Individuals that are involved in school and community activities have a purpose that drives them to desire to excel at the things that they are passionate about.  Many youths in today's society are adrift; they have not dedicated themselves to a larger purpose; they do not feel that people care for them, wondering why they should they care for themselves. Unfortunately, many youths do not have support must deal with harsh adversity; because many feel that they must handle their problems themselves, they use self-destructive methods to ease affliction. If more youth had supportive people in their lives who encouraged them, there would be fewer tragedies of people who have lost themselves, people who have never reached their full potential, and hopefully more stories of people aspiring to make a contribution to the world. If more youth felt that someone in their life cared and supported their endeavors, less youth would partake in immoral activities and behaviors; youth would have enough self-respect and discernment to resist the temptation of these behaviors because the consequences would outweigh the benefits of them.

Today, youth are bombarded with the temptation to participate in behaviors and activities that are immoral, however; youth must find strategies in order to battle frequently enticing temptation to engage in unscrupulous acts that frequently occur in society. Issues of morality will continue to plague our generation; it is our obligation improve the world for our posterity. Society must support youth and their endeavors so that they do not become discouraged and succumb to the challenges, adversity, and temptation that bane youth and society.

The author's comments:

PLease give me feedback Im trying to apply to college !

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