Pursuing My Dream and Career | Teen Ink

Pursuing My Dream and Career

October 8, 2014
By llandon BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
llandon BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The question “want to come help me practice?” is so imbedded in my head that I couldn’t forget it even if I wanted to. My step brother Bobby, used to ask me this question every day after school. Every day I would have the same answer, “YES!” I said with so much excitement and enthusiasm. My step brother and I would walk out into barn where the big blue and white, shiny, noisy welder was. I stepped into the barn, I could already smell the burning metal.

Bobby is a pipe line welder and he loves it. He would always come home with a different story about where he had been and a pocket busting out of the seams with money. I did not want to be a welder for the longest time. I always thought it would be boring and not much fun being away from home so much. Bobby slowly coned his way into talking me into it with all his exciting stories and most of all, his money.

I knew this would be a tough career to pursue with all of the traveling and working in the baking hot sun all day. So, I thought I should mentally prepare myself for the long road ahead. Since Bobby started letting me weld with him I tried to have the most positive and great work ethic I could. When it would be so hot outside that you can’t step out the door without breaking a sweat. We would still have positive attitudes towards the crowded, muggy, humid outrageously hot barn.

Bobby would sometimes invite some of his welding buddies over to practice with us. They would always give me the motivation to keep going; even though it looked like had just gotten out of the shower because of all the nasty, smelly sweat.

One day I overheard someone talking about how terrible being a pipeline welder was. He came up with some pretty good reasons not to be on, like not getting to see your family or waking up at the crack of dawn. Slowly, I walked up to the big scruffy, burley, dirty man still speaking words of disappointment; I asked the man exactly what he thought about welding. He told me in a big deep voice “welding has its ups and downs just like any other job”. So, I went home and thought about that statement very hard. My mind went back and forth through the details about whether or not I should keep following my goals or just give up. I definitely did not want to give up. I swept the negative comments out of my brain and just kept going on with what I like to do. To this day I have looked into some different interests I have in other careers, but not much has changed. I still have the same mind set towards welding. I do not quit many things and welding will for sure not be one of them.  I plan on hanging onto this career for many years to come. I am ready to overcome whatever obstacles get in my way. 

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