My Life | Teen Ink

My Life

October 30, 2013
By sebys BRONZE, Danbury, Connecticut
sebys BRONZE, Danbury, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Feel my way through the darkness” The anthem that wakes me up, how ironic when the song is called “wake me up”. My day begins by dressing and heading out the school, they always told me education is important in this world, and so is family and the list goes on and on. Everything is so dull until cars are introduced in my day, problem solving and fixing nothing better.

Quiet and cheesing what most kids in school probably see me by, but they wouldn’t know the half of it. I can’t believe these 4 years passed by in a blink of an eye, high school what an experience. As my senior year hops on an airplane and flies I cant wait to land and begin life, but half of me will miss the obnoxious little kids gathered up in the hallways, the gross lunch food, and the waste of time class called advisory. Surrounded by peers that I’ve been hanging with since middle school, the experiences shared with them showed me how blessed I am for what I have. There pressure wasn’t needed when mischief was introduced; I knew my limits as well as their behavior and uncontrolled minds. Some of my friends don’t have parents like mine, some of them don’t even have parents, and looking around me I have the perfect life what more could I ask for.

My family is the springs that bounce me back up when I’m down, showing me how to be a better person and never changing morals. Coming from a small town in Ecuador to the United States of America was a big change I had to face when I was 4, ever since then Danbury raised me. Not like any other 17 year old out partying and sipping on some bears, I cave in my house where I help my mom and dad. Every Saturday is when I clean my house and organize the mess I made through out the week. With my dad fixing any little broken thing he could spot around the house, it’s almost like his mind is programmed to re building. Most of the memories I have with my dad are working on cars; something about them just calms me down.

Being an automotive technician is an option; I enjoy working on cars especially mine. I’m in a different world when I’m lying on my back and seeing the bottom of cars. There is no better feeling than knowing you fixed something proper and it works good as new, you almost feel invincible until another problem surprises you. I’m a quick learner so when I get my hands dirty they wont stop until everything is a go, or until its lunch time.

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