Am I Creative? | Teen Ink

Am I Creative?

January 12, 2013
By vudoo781 BRONZE, Allston, Massachusetts
vudoo781 BRONZE, Allston, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am very creative. This is evident in my poetry. When I first started to write poetry, I didn’t do it because I was bored. To me, it felt like I didn’t have too many friends. Because of this, it was tough for me to let out my emotions verbally. So the only way for me to express my feelings was to write them down on paper. So I went with poetry because it could be more concise without being too obvious. When I write poetry, I like to use rhyme schemes because it helps me be more organized, makes me think more, and adds flow to the poem. It really helps me to build vocabulary because it has to rhyme while also making sense. This all started in 7th grade. The next school year, my English class had a month of work dedicated to poetry, and I was able to shine the brightest at this time. It allowed me to be creative, and work with something without any real guidelines. My poetry writing took off.

When I entered high school, I started to work hard on a poetry porfolio. It is almost always with me. I use it to think back on my older days. Through my poetry, you can really read into my emotions and my expierences. These poems are, in my opinion, the best way to get to know me on a depper level, especially when I don’t really like to talk about my emotions. And now, whenever I write poetry, I need inspiration to write. These inspirations come from my life experiences. When I have something happen to me that affects me personally, I feel the need to write it down. It has to go from my heart to my mind, and written down on paper. Everything I write comes from the heart and I never want to copy anything from anyone else. However, if I don’t have something to write about, I would use my past poems to try and come up with something new and unique. With all my peoms, I wish to maybe submit them as a book and get it published. I want people around the world to know who I am through poetry. And maybe some people will be able to relate to my work because they might have gone through or are currently going through the same experiences as me.

Poetry isn’t the only thing that I have written that I hope to get published. I recently wrote a short story. It may not be finished, but it is something that I hope to get finished and published. The story takes from my life in the beginning, but after that, it is all a dream for me. It relates to the teens of the world because it brings up current high school drama and interests. I incorporated this to appeal to the young adult, but hopefully, I can write stories that can appeal to the general public all around the world.

The author's comments:
An essay that was submitted in order to get into college

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