Twin Dilemma | Teen Ink

Twin Dilemma MAG

By Anonymous

Over the years my identicaltwin and I have been through a lot together. We have showedour cows at the county fair together and bought our first cartogether. We have shared joy and laughter as well as tears andtough times, especially when our family almost lost our farmlast year. Next year we will both go to college. We do notknow if we should go to the same or different schools. We havethe same interests and, consequently, applied to the samecolleges. Some of our friends (yes, we even have the samefriends) say it would be good for us to go our separate ways,while some say we should stay together because we have therest of our lives to split. My parents, especially my dad,want us to stick together.

My sister and I get alongreally well. We do have fights and annoy each other, but wehave a really great relationship. Sometimes we think and saythe same thing at the same time which is weird, but funny. Mysister will start talking and I will be thinking the samething. If we do split up, it would be weird because we havebeen together all our lives. We do almost everything together.We even have the same classes.

Sometimes I really wantto go to a different college so I can have my own identity,instead of being known as "one of the twins." Ithink how great it would be to have my own friends, my ownclasses, my own everything! If my sister was not there, no onewould call me her name by accident. I would not hear"hey, you" or "yo twin, which one areyou?"

Then I think of how cool it would be to goto the same college. We could still confuse people and havefun like we do now. We could also get our own apartment orroom together and not have to worry about getting along with aroommate.

I only have a few months to decide. I know weare going to have to split up sooner or later, but should itbe sooner or later?

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

on Jan. 16 2010 at 5:53 am
Rosalie PLATINUM, Maryville, Tennessee
48 articles 0 photos 100 comments

Favorite Quote:
-you have many to learn but nothing to lose.
-the hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else...
-good girls are bad girls that dont get caught.

i love this!

I'm a twin too.

We go to the same skwl, and take the same classes.

We basically have the same friends too.

We already know that we're going to go to the same college too!