Expectations | Teen Ink


November 6, 2009
By Muzka BRONZE, Dallas, Oregon
Muzka BRONZE, Dallas, Oregon
3 articles 12 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"a baby sleeps in all our bones, still scared to be alone"

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This art has 10 comments.

on May. 15 2011 at 10:56 pm
I love the style this is drawn in!! Please illustrate my book someday :) Also, I love Spirited Away!

on Apr. 1 2011 at 9:12 pm
IamtheshyStargirl PLATINUM, Lothlorien, Utah
44 articles 16 photos 2206 comments

Favorite Quote:
Boredom instigates extreme creativity.

"Bowing gratefully to all of my subjects, 'thank you. Thank you. The pleasure is mine." Nah, I'm just kidding. We're all kings together.'"

This is absolutely gorgeous! And I especially love that it was inspired by Spirited Away :)

Muzka BRONZE said...
on Mar. 9 2011 at 4:44 pm
Muzka BRONZE, Dallas, Oregon
3 articles 12 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"a baby sleeps in all our bones, still scared to be alone"

Thanks so much for the feedback. This was very much inspired by spirited away, I love the concept of giving everything you have to give, just becuase it makes you happy, and that's what no face was all about!

on Mar. 8 2011 at 5:50 pm
bookdevourer101 BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

Now THAT is what I call cross-hatching! This is abseloutely amazing - I think it's from spirted away.  The borders are really cool, very original work! 

on Dec. 10 2010 at 12:58 am
Samuel23 BRONZE, Wasilla, Alaska
1 article 5 photos 5 comments
that movie is the best :)

mindymax GOLD said...
on Mar. 9 2010 at 2:45 pm
mindymax GOLD, Armona, California
10 articles 0 photos 80 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The whole world looked drunk, and I liked it that way." - Rebeca Godfrey, book title"The Torn skirt"

wow !!I've seen this from the anime film "sPIRITED aWAY" I HOPE THIS DRWING WAS YOUR OWN DOING, kEEP IT uP!!!

on Feb. 7 2010 at 3:36 pm
penandink105 GOLD, Needham, Massachusetts
11 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
" all you need to make a comedy is a policeman, a park, and a pretty girl" it was on movies.com

wow! your pen technique is wonderful as in your other works.

Dazed PLATINUM said...
on Nov. 19 2009 at 4:25 pm
Dazed PLATINUM, Teaneck, New Jersey
20 articles 7 photos 107 comments
The title is perfect for this picture. You expressed it so well!

onlyiz said...
on Nov. 19 2009 at 11:39 am
onlyiz, Boulder, Colorado
0 articles 1 photo 85 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” - Mark Twain

oh goodness, i don't know if i should cry or melt. this is precious.

NeverMind said...
on Nov. 9 2009 at 2:48 pm
Wonderful drawing, your style is amazing.