Hanging Shirt | Teen Ink

Hanging Shirt

June 23, 2012
By Aksu5 BRONZE, Ventnor, New Jersey
Aksu5 BRONZE, Ventnor, New Jersey
1 article 25 photos 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The Purpose of Existence is To Understand Existence Itself"

Just decided to draw my T-shirt that was hanging from my closet door.

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This art has 6 comments.

on Mar. 30 2015 at 3:33 pm
FreelanceWriter SILVER, South St Paul, Minnesota
7 articles 3 photos 6 comments

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Im unbelievably determined because when your'er as naturally ungifted as I am, you have to keep driving forward, wright?

Lone Survivor, Marcus Luttrell

you did a great job using lights and darks for the wrinkles

Aksu5 BRONZE said...
on Mar. 21 2013 at 5:23 pm
Aksu5 BRONZE, Ventnor, New Jersey
1 article 25 photos 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The Purpose of Existence is To Understand Existence Itself"

Thanks, but it's not that amazing lol :)

Aksu5 BRONZE said...
on Mar. 21 2013 at 5:22 pm
Aksu5 BRONZE, Ventnor, New Jersey
1 article 25 photos 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The Purpose of Existence is To Understand Existence Itself"

Thank you! :)

on Jul. 23 2012 at 11:34 am
thegreenlight SILVER, Detroit, Michigan
7 articles 4 photos 5 comments

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how do i get out of this labyrinth?

i'm surprised that this isn't more popular. its fricken AWESOME!

on Jul. 3 2012 at 2:57 pm
thegreenlight SILVER, Detroit, Michigan
7 articles 4 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
how do i get out of this labyrinth?

this is really good!!!

on Jul. 2 2012 at 4:00 am
RoseAndThorn BRONZE, Mena, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
Find out what's really out there. I never said to be like me, I say be like you and make a difference. - Marilyn Manson

I am inpressed. Not many people can successfully take something so simple, so static, so... boring, and make a work of art out of it. Your level of detail in this is amazing; the folds of cloth, shading, etc. You have effectively taken nothing and created art. I like how it's something calm but detailed to look at.